We are now opening up expressions of interest for the Stormwater Conference & Expo 2025 Workshops. Please complete the following, in as much detail as possible.
Note the following:
- We will provide the basic stationery and equipment (e.g. whiteboard and markers, flip chart paper, screen, projection)
- Any further resources or materials will be supplied by yourself,
- Any koha or payment to presenters/facilitators will be sourced by you and not Water New Zealand
- Any printed resources or documents must be prepared by yourself
- Workshops will be in person only, not video streamed
- All facilitators must be registered to attend the conference
- Rooms will be set up in workshop style i.e round tables and chairs
- Workshop submission must be made in full to Water New Zealand by 31st January 2025
Workshops should be linked to the conference theme and key focus areas where possible. The 2025 stormwater conference represents key milestones for the stormwater special interest group, being its 25th year, and the 20th year of the stormwater conference. It is an appropriate time for our industry group, as wide as it is, to look back and reflect on what has happened before, celebrating the people, projects and policies that have helped us get to where we are today. The theme is Celebrating 25 Years, with the well-known whakataukī Ka Mua, Ka Muri | Walking Backwards into the Future being appropriate for this occasion.
The key focus areas for the conference are:
Kaupapa Māori which is inclusive of views on te ao Māori, mātauranga Māori, health and mauri (life force) of waterways, recognising the interconnectedness of all living things, principles of kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and manaakitanga (care and respect).
Nature-Based Solutions uses natural processes and ecosystems to address broad stormwater challenges, stormwater quality, mitigate flooding and erosion, enhance biodiversity, create green spaces, and sequester carbon contributing to climate resilience.
Stormwater Futures recognises that stormwater impacts a wide range of stakeholders, and the future is what we shape today. This is inclusive of a broad range of topics such as integrating community engagement, resilience, climate adaptation, diversity and inclusion, infrastructure, policy and decision-making, seeking outcomes that are equitable, culturally inclusive, and sufficient for future generations.
Sustainable & Innovative Funding builds on the success of the enabling investment key focus area from the 2024 conference. Many local councils will be developing Water Service Delivery Plans, with Three Waters funding set to be determined by these plans. The industry is pushing for alternative solutions alongside these legislative requirements which have received criticism in the political space. The conference invites this discussion amongst its delegates.